Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stress and Aging

I just put together a proposal for an RFP and I'm calling it, THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO STRESS MANAGEMENT.  I'll be presenting this in Washington, DC this spring.where, indeed, there is a lot of stress!!  LOL...Over the past ten years, I have researched the body's reaction to stress, the cognitive reaction to stress, the emotional impact of stress and the necessary holistic approach to developing a peaceful, stress free life.


Do you know that the foods that you consume actually can contribute to your stress level?  When you consume processed foods, high fat, fried foods, cookies, candy...and yes, colas...both sugary and sugar-free, there is a physcal impact on your body.  The highly salted foods, colas, processed foods  actually contrict blood vessels due to the high sodium content.  When your body is not functioning at its highest levels, you are more prone to handle stress negatively.  You just DON'T feel your best.

One of my favorite areas of research and study since the 70's has been on the brain.  So much has been learned about the brain...So, I've tested some of my theories and actually developed a method called THE COGNITIVE RESPONSE SYSTEM(tm)..This is based upon your relationship with your brain..sound wierd???  It's not.   Based upon the Dominant Brain Theory, whatever information you give your brain, your body will obey...

There are two amazing breathing techniques that bring down your blood pressure very quickly when you're stressed out.  Both of these have been tested many times over at the University of Chicago Medical School with their Residents.  The Quick Version actually will bring your blood pressure down in just a few seconds... And, therefore, reducing the negative affects of stress.

I'll talk about this over the next few blogs...But, this is what I want you to think about..IF YOU WANT TO STAY YOUTHFUL IN BODY, SPIRIT AND MIND...becoming a stress manager is key.

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