Friday, March 30, 2012

Seventy, Sensational and Amazing..

On wednesday when I was working with my trainer at the gym, I met the MOST INCREDIBLE woman who exemplified GETTING BETTER WITH AGE...She is SEVENTY years old and had tight, youthful arms and legs and a well defined and flat waist!!  I asked her what her secret was ....

She originally from Austria and eats the European way.  She doesn't diet at all...she simply eats her two largest meals morning and noon and hardly anything for dinner...And, as the Europeans do, she moves constantly, opting to walk to as many places as possible instead of driving.

AND, SHE WORKS OUT SIX DAYS A WEEK WITH WEIGHTS!  She practices something that many older women move away from...and that is, to sculpt and strengthen her body by working out with free weights and strenght building machines.  SHE WORKS ON BUILDING HER MUSCLES during the age when most muscle mass is lost.  (and, her husband is 22 years younger)  She practices thinking young and fun!!

What an inspiration and proof for me that if I continue to eat the healthiest foods, think positively, work out with weights and move, I can reach 70 and be the SENSATIONAL WOMAN I want to be.!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Can we De-Age?

I truly believe that we can change our skin, our bodies and our minds with what is available to us from nature.  I'm talking about the stuff we find on the grocery store shelves....basically, everything there has ingredients that do not stimulate the turn over of new cells and it is that turn over that keeps one from aging.

I have found several things that I've researched extensively and tried myself that have given me a  different blood chemistry or changes in my skin or whatever.

This is an AMAZING FAT!  The main reason is that it is not stored in your body like all other fats!  It actually used by the body for energy..  Now, this is NOT the coconut oil that you might read in the ingredients of some candies, cookies etc.  That is a processed version that does not have the same effect.

Dr. Oz, Holistic Medicine Researchers and even Nutritionist Specialist have combined all the benefits of EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL.  The following are the benefits:

* Aids in fat loss
*Helps stablelize blood sugar
*Improves digestion: makes it easier to absolve nutrients from food
*Adjust Cholesteral levels
*Powerful Antioxident
*Destroys Parasites
*Helps relieve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
*Bladder Infections
*Delivers quick energy
*Helps support the thyroid
*Kills bacterias that cause diseases
*Used as energy instead of stored as fat
*Can improve the health of hair
*Destroys viruses'
*Reduces Inflammation

Specialist recommend one tablespoon a day.  I use it on my steel cut oats or quinoa in the mornings or add it to my protein drinks and sometimes just lick it off the spoon.  Very pleasant tasting!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Powerful, Strong and Sensational Today!!

I tried out a new gym today.  I've been given a month's free pass which I desperately needed because I haven't been doing much physically for myself lately.  And, even though, I have experienced the youth defining results of body building, it hasn't been enough to pull myself away from the table and move myself at a higher physical level.

I walked in a bit hesitant because I,as many of us "older" women, experienced just a brief.."Oh, my goodness, they are ALL SO YOUNG in here!!"LOL...But, of course, I was greeted enthusiastically and given the tour and the sales pitche.  But, as I was walking through  my tour hearing about the different machines, classes, weights and so forth, I thought about how LUCKY and BLESSED I am that I CAN walk into that gym and do something for myself that makes me feel INCREDIBLE!!

You see, I don't hate being at the gym, I HATE the few steps and moments it takes for me to lace up my shoes, get in my car and go!!  Just FIVE MINUTES of preparation to leave my home is pure agony...when I've been away from the gym for so long...So, since I was already there and dressed, I decided to enjoy something easy while I was there.

And, I want you to know, I chose to walk on the treadmill in the theatre!!  That's right!  You hear me right!  There is an entire room with treadmills, elipticals and bikes to utilize while watching movies!!  Now THAT MADE MY DAY... So, I climbed aboard and watched "FOOTLOOSE" and before I knew it, the movie was over and I was feeling awesome!!

I walked out of the theatre and heading to the exit feeling so  sensational!!  I walked out and the sun was brighter, my problems seemed non-existent and stress a far off memory!! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Boost Energy, beat fatigue and LIVE YOUNG!

The train of thought that I hear from many women over sixty is the "rest" mentality.  "I have slowed down and rest more but I can tell I'm getting older, because I just don't have the energy I used to".  Scientist have found that there are some great and surprising energy boosters that can "re-charge" you!


Feeling down in the dumps can trigger a vicious become lethargic that leads to even more blue feelings and you don't feel like doing those activies that you really do enjoy.  Here's the DRUG FREE SOLUTION!  Do an eight-minute spurt of vigorous exercise, such as walking briskly or doing jumping jacks and DO THEM EVERY DAY!  Research studies have shown that depressed patients who did this felt happier, more energized and less depressed in only four months...but, you can feel the difference a little bit more every day when you practice it regularly.

  WHY DOES THIS WORK??? Exercise boosts brain chemicals including endorphins and dopamine that make you feel more upbeat and energetic!


Many times, women have an extra cup of coffee to boost their energy.  But, that can lead to a caffine crash which can leave your more tired, depressed and unmotivated.  Researchers have found that pairing your coffee with a GOOD carb produces  longer lasting energy than coffee alone.

WHY: Coffee blocks the build up of adenosine, a chemical that causes muscles to tire out.  Good carbs supply your muscle cells with glucose, their primary source of fuel.


Just spending 20 minutes outside each day around nature has been shown to actually PRODUCE
ENERGY.  The University of Rochester Research into fatigue found that people who spend more time outside near nature reported feeling more mentally and physically invigorated!


Being in the presence of nature triggers activity in the areas of your brain responsible for focus and alertness.  This, in turn, makes you feel less fatigued.  (Richard Ryan, Ph.D)


The SECRET to reviving mental energy is to actually THINK MORE!!  Princeton Unversity Reseachers found that tired people who take a few moments to brainstorm an idea became instantly more awake, happy and confident!


Brainstorming  triggers a flood of unique energizing brain chemicals that give you a PPOWERFUL SECOND WIND!!


Often, when we're tired, depressed or stressed, we reach for something sweet like a candy bar!  British reserachers discovered that eating a protein-rich snack like HUMMUS or hard boiled eggs, actually gives you A HUGE BOOST IN ENERGY!


The amino acides in protein stimulate certain brain cells that make you feel more alert, says lead study author Denis Burdeakov, Ph.D.  Protein-rich foods are a rich source of tyrosine, an amino acided needed to help the body produce noradrenaline, another brain chemical that ENERGIZES YOU!!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stress and Aging

I just put together a proposal for an RFP and I'm calling it, THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO STRESS MANAGEMENT.  I'll be presenting this in Washington, DC this spring.where, indeed, there is a lot of stress!!  LOL...Over the past ten years, I have researched the body's reaction to stress, the cognitive reaction to stress, the emotional impact of stress and the necessary holistic approach to developing a peaceful, stress free life.


Do you know that the foods that you consume actually can contribute to your stress level?  When you consume processed foods, high fat, fried foods, cookies, candy...and yes, colas...both sugary and sugar-free, there is a physcal impact on your body.  The highly salted foods, colas, processed foods  actually contrict blood vessels due to the high sodium content.  When your body is not functioning at its highest levels, you are more prone to handle stress negatively.  You just DON'T feel your best.

One of my favorite areas of research and study since the 70's has been on the brain.  So much has been learned about the brain...So, I've tested some of my theories and actually developed a method called THE COGNITIVE RESPONSE SYSTEM(tm)..This is based upon your relationship with your brain..sound wierd???  It's not.   Based upon the Dominant Brain Theory, whatever information you give your brain, your body will obey...

There are two amazing breathing techniques that bring down your blood pressure very quickly when you're stressed out.  Both of these have been tested many times over at the University of Chicago Medical School with their Residents.  The Quick Version actually will bring your blood pressure down in just a few seconds... And, therefore, reducing the negative affects of stress.

I'll talk about this over the next few blogs...But, this is what I want you to think about..IF YOU WANT TO STAY YOUTHFUL IN BODY, SPIRIT AND MIND...becoming a stress manager is key.

What causes a woman to feel SENSATIONAL?

I've been thinking about what it is that truly makes me feel sensational.  What can I identify that would describe this term...for me, for other women.  I've asked many women what is it, what are they doing when they feel SENSATIONAL.  In thinking about those times that I  have felt that feeling and the feeling I have at the age of 60, that I am sensational, I have identified those things that moved me to that point.

A few weeks ago, I presented the Keynote address at a Health Conference for Women.  I spoke on Emotional Wellness and by the end of the presentation, women had laughed, cried, hugged each other ...after the presentation, I had almost a hundred who came to me personally to tell me that for the first time in years, they truly felt loved and the CONFERENCE, AT THAT!! They were excited, renewed and encouraged!! It was an entirely different atmosphere than when I walked in that morning...and that made me feel SENSATIONAL.

For me, my work has purpose!  What I do matters!!  And, I am very blessed to be able to do what I other words I feel that I am WALKING, LIVING AND WORKING IN MY PURPOSE!!  At 60 years old, I am more excited about life than I've been in my entire life.

What causes you to feel sensational?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is a 60 year old woman to do?

I am a single, sixty year old woman.  Where did the time go?  How am I doing at this age?  What should I have done in my 30's or 40's that could have impacted me positively at this age?  Am I Sexy and Sensational?  Well, it doesn't matter if you think I am, it matters if I think I am...I travel and speak to women's groups all over the nation...whether it is a business training or a women's conference, I always talk to women who are in their 40's and 50's who have already decided that there is little sensatonal about them, much less SEXY?????

I often get the question as to what have I done to keep myself feeling sexy and sensational....(ok, so the cat's out of the bag.  I DO feel Sexy and Sensational at 60.  When I was 50 years old, I decided to do everything I could over the next ten years so that I would look better, feel better and be as youthful as I possibly could when I turned 60.  And, you know what?  I did...I studied, researched, changed my diet, began body building and actually RE-INVENTED MYSELF!!

But, this blog isn't all about me.  I will share what I'm going through as a single 60 year old woman...from the dating scene, to the changes in my body...  I will be honest!!  it might be too honest for some people but, life happens and I will not sugar coat what's going on ,but, I want to hear from other women...of ALL AGES... share what we're doing to improve our lives, our minds, our bodies as we get older?  What are our challenges.

I will share the latest research and discoveries that pertains to anti-aging and diet, spirituality, emotional wellness etc...IS THIS BLOG JUST FOR 60 YEAR OLD WOMEN?  NO,,,,IT IS FOR ALL WOMEN...AND ACTUALLY MEN AS WELL.  for I hear from many woman that the men in their lives do not get it and others who tell me of these INCREDIBLE THINGS their men do that make them feel more alive!!, we will learn from each other.

I look forward to sharing my life and hearing about your life!!